Getting Their First RV
Jim and Gina remember the first RV that they bought. Gina says: “We knew almost nothing about RV’s. We were very lucky. The seller was very honest and helpful.
We went to see the RV and were told that everything worked, and we didn’t even have a vehicle with a hitch to bring the RV home. The seller was kind enough to tow the RV almost a hundred miles and deliver it to our house.”

“Over the next few years we went camping, made lots of modifications to the RV and made it our own. Jim learned how the different systems on the RV worked and how to fix things that went wrong and to make it even better. He added a solar system, an inverter and upgraded the batteries so that we were able to camp off grid in comfort.”
“We had the latest technology with internet while Jim continued to work remotely as we traveled. It was fun to be in the remote wilderness while Jim could work on the computer and be having remote meetings with clients.”
Jim and Gina also love to travel with their dogs. They often travel to dog shows and have learned what it takes to live full time in an RV with four dogs. “You don’t realize how much you have to adapt to your pets and figure out how your RV needs to be able to meet the special needs that you have with your pets. We’ve had to make changes to the RV because of the dogs”.

Going Full Time
In 2018, Jim and Gina sold their home in Pennsylvania started living in their RV full time. Because they enjoy winter sports with their dogs, they spent winters in northern Wisconsin.
Eventually it came time to get the next RV. Jim says, “We learned a lot from owning and using our first RV. We learned what we wanted and what we needed from an RV. There was just not enough room for us and four dogs and it was challenging especially during the winter months in northern Wisconsin.”
“We did our own research and looked at online reviews and walk-throughs so that by the time we went to the RV dealer we had in mind what we wanted. We placed a custom order in October 2020 and waited in anticipation for next March 2021. In the meantime we went truck shopping and also purchased a vehicle that could tow our new RV.”
“In March 2021 we took home our new RV after getting a 10 minute walk through. Once home we did a complete inspection. Even though it was brand new there were some minor things that did not correctly work which I fixed.”
“Again I made modifications to suit our needs. We had made a good choice and purchased an RV that was reliable and sound. It met our basic needs so only minor changes were needed.”

Jim and Gina continue to travel across the country in their RV with their multiple dogs in all seasons.
It’s a given fact of life that things on an RV will break. Jim says, “When you live full time in your RV you can’t just take it to a dealer and have repairs take weeks. I had always done most of the maintenance and repairs myself. I attended classes at the National RV Training Academy to become a certified RV inspector and certified RV technician so I can do even more of my own repairs and help others as we travel.”
At White Dogs RV Service we want to help you make that move to get into the RV lifestyle. Whether it is full time RV living, or finding a way to travel with the family on vacations, we work to find out what you want and need in an RV. Both now and in the future. Check out our services and look for us as we travel across the country.